The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance and he was explaining why socialism was much better than capitalism, because it didn't leave the poor and downtrodden to rot in the gutter. Of course, as a capitalist, in a free market participant, I know this to be utter hogwash, and I was blown away that he'd even bother to make such a silly statement. The reality is society does better when everyone is free to do what they do best, and when individuals are the strongest, the overall society is even stronger due to the synergies and economies of scale.
Capitalism does not leave people high and dry, in fact the money is in such abundance and flowing so quickly, that it spreads around, and there's more of it, and more opportunities for each and every individual. Of course if someone doesn't want to work, or participate they can sit on their rear ends and do nothing, but then they will get exactly what they deserve, I don't see a problem with that. But apparently my acquaintance did.
Nationwide Society
And he asked me; "what about the people who are mentally or physically challenged, what about them we just gonna leave them?" Oh, certainly not, and I can tell you that the mentally challenged or physically challenged in the United States of America do much better here than they would in any other country. Think about it for a second, think about this silly argument that somehow socialism is better because they care about people that capitalism isn't - that's nonsense.
And in practice, socialism doesn't do good for the average population, it makes everyone the same, and usually they're all poor. It doesn't build the type of middle-class that we have here in the United States, and there's nothing wrong with a strong work ethic, or a solid middle class. And there's certainly nothing wrong in the United States when it comes to our nonprofit sector, and all the volunteers and people who give their extra spendable money to such causes.
And to his point of Mentally or Physically Challenges, the reality is with greater economies of scale and abundance there is more low-cost left-overs for all. A farm which is run by capitalist methods is efficient because it rewards efficiency, one run by communist methods doesn't - so, the efficiency stops, along with all the left overs, thus, the communist farm one runs up against shortages.
Did you know I bought a 10-Lb. bag of potatoes this week at the grocery store - and get this; I didn't have to wait in line to do it, in fact, there were so many bags of potatoes that everyone could have bought 5, they'd still have some left. Why? Thanks to the chaos of capitalism! Indeed, hope you'll please consider all this, and if you'd like to add anything to this discussion please shoot me an e-mail. Even if you have a critique, I'm certainly ready to debate these points.
Why We Need Capitalism to Help the Poor
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