Monday, October 3, 2011

Ways to Deal With Elder Abuse

Not everyone is equipped with the patience to be a nurse, yet many Americans find themselves caring for a senior at home. As a result, there are roughly 2 million cases of elder abuse each year that include emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse, as well as neglect. Since 3/5 of the cases of domestic violence committed against seniors are from family members, it is important that you look into finding a senior care facility if you feel your stress levels and patience wearing thin.

Chances are you have already made the decision to put your mother or father into an institution that can best care for their later life needs. Perhaps you felt guilty about it, but deep down knew you couldn't handle the stress and time-consumption of being an at-home caregiver.

Nationwide Society

You want to be sure all of your parent's needs are being met and that he or she is happy, although seniors aren't always candid about being abused; perhaps out of fear, humiliation, ignorance of the signs, deep depression or the normalization of violence. Therefore, it's up to you to watch out for symptoms of abusive relationships within the nursing home.

While you are visiting your family member in the care facility, take a look around and be sure you know the people who are regularly caring for your loved one. Perpetrators of elder abuse may callously minimize the victim's complaints or sudden injuries. They may refer to the victim as "crazy," "clumsy" or "off their medication."

When you ask your loved one a question, the abusive caregiver may try to answer everything, speaking on behalf of the victim. They often forbid the victims from contacting family or friends and withhold gifts from being sent to their rooms. They might try to cover up the abuse by canceling medical appointments or taking the victim to different doctors. They may stalk, threaten or harass the victim, or they may act overly attentive or unnecessarily touch the victim often in your presence.

If you suspect a family friend is a victim of emotional, physical, financial or neglectful elder abuse, then you should call your local Adult Protective Services agency. Victims often suddenly "sign over the power of attorney" and have their homes sold for quick cash or have all their possessions given away while they are still in a care facility. Seniors may have bed sores, be malnourished or act withdrawn.

They may forget medication or miss their doctor's appointments. The abuser will try to speak for your friend and try to prevent you from speaking with him or her. Isolation is the leading factor contributing to abuse of the elderly, so play an active role in your friend's life and don't be afraid to call for help or advice.

Ways to Deal With Elder Abuse

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Third World Countries in Central America Want Global Warming Damage Retribution

Apparently, the global warming rhetoric coming out of Belgium along with the global media assistance has convinced everyone in the world that the planet's ambient atmospheric temperatures is going to melt all the ice on the poles and raise the water level drowning out any city near sea level elevation. This is an absolute fantasy, but so-called scientists claim it to be a reality.

In the 1970s, another group of scientists tried to convince us that we were going into an Ice Age, and they had all the data and scientific research behind them to prove it. Guess what, we did not go into an Ice Age did we? In fact, since that didn't work out now they are trying the global warming theme to scare us. Unfortunately, so many people believe this that we are changing what works, and trading it for something that doesn't.

Nationwide Society

Did you know that many of the governments in Central America are under the impression that there is some kind of ecological debt owed to them by the first world nations? This is due to the fact that they believe that their climates are being hampered, and it is the reason that they have not succeeded in developing their nations. This is complete nonsense, and it lets them off the hook for years of political corruption, guerrilla warfare, and human rights abuses.

These nations in Central America along with Hugo Chavez's ALBA are asking for 5 billion from the Global Warming Summit in Copenhagen. In fact, all of the Central American governments have gotten on board to request this 5 billion payment, and they want the money from the United States of America, the EU, and China to pay for it.

This whole scheme is absolutely preposterous, but it just goes to show you how insane this global warming theory has become. As far as I am concerned they shouldn't get a dollar of my taxpayer money, and if President Obama agrees that we should pay, then I believe he needs to be impeached for not looking out for the United States of America's best interests, for which he was elected. Please consider all this.

Third World Countries in Central America Want Global Warming Damage Retribution

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Joe Biden and "Recovery Summer"

Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. may go down in history as the most quoted VP America has ever had.

Until now, Nixon's disgraced Vice President Spiro Theodore Agnew may be said to have held that title thanks to his inimitable alliteration such as his classic putdowns. They included "nattering nabobs of negativism," "pusillanimous pussyfooters," and "hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history."

Nationwide Society

Biden could never hope to match those and doesn't seem to be much into alliteratiion anyway and his most recent classics aren't fit for family viewing. Those include his remark to Obama after the passage of Obamacare that "this is a f***ing big deal" and his comment to a custard store manager that he was being "a smarta**" for asking him to cut taxes.

His latest excursion into memorable quotations may not even be Biden's originally but it's being associated with him. At least his reference to "recovery summer" is not rated PG 13 like the others.

If this is the summer of recovery from the recession, it's hard to tell from the jobs numbers.

New employment is off the charts, but only in the federal sector where people have been hired for temporary positions as census workers and as permanent functionaries and their lackeys to administer Obama's slew of new programs in an already bloated bureaucracy.

A few weeks ago Biden announced the launching of "Recovery Summer," a six-week-long push designed to highlight the jobs accompanying a surge in stimulus-funded projects to improve highways, parks, drinking water and other public works:

Biden and Obama then took off, campaign style, to visit the locales of those projects to garner publicity for the effectiveness of Obama's vaunted 7 billion stimulus package which has stimulated virtually nothing considering the monies allocated.

Of course, we should also consider the millions of "jobs saved," jobs impossible to verify as being "saved."

Far more relevant is the announcement today that non-public employment climbed a piddling 13,000 nationwide in June, a report that "supported fears that the short and tepid recovery from the worst recession since the 1930's was fizzling:" []

Friday's jobs report may, or may not, show an improvement in the numbers but with census employment petering out, unless Friday's report shows a massive increase in non-public hiring, Obama and Biden will have to re-name the summer of 2010 as "Relapse Summer."

However, I could be a nattering nabob of negativism.

Joe Biden and "Recovery Summer"