Friday, September 30, 2011

RRP Certification and Massachusetts' Lead Laws

Most contractors that have completed their federal EPA RRP certification are surprised to hear that Massachusetts has its own standards for lead paint safety and lead abatement. While this may cause fear and frustration for many contractors, it is not as frightening as it sounds. It turns out that your federal EPA RRP certification in any state will allow you to be in full compliance with the Massachusetts' lead paint safety law; almost.

If you have taken an EPA approved RRP certification course and are an EPA Certified Renovator, then by Massachusetts' law you are automatically considered a Lead Safe Renovator. Don't let the names confuse you: an EPA Certified Lead Safe Renovator and a Massachusetts' Lead Safe Renovator are pretty much the same thing. An EPA Certified Lead Safe Renovator is allowed to supervise uncertified workers (after training them of course) in the same manner as a Massachusetts Lead Safe Renovator does. This means that if you already have an EPA RRP certification you do not need individual certification in Massachusetts. If you were to receive your training in Massachusetts by a certified training provider, though, you would be more thoroughly trained in OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations such as the usage of personal protective equipment.

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There are only 2 major differences between an EPA Certified Renovator and a MA Lead Safe Renovator. First, Massachusetts' law requires that the Lead Safe Renovator be present at all times during the work. This differs from the EPA's rule, which only requires that the Certified Renovator supervising either be reachable by phone or nearby. So if you are working in Massachusetts you should be conscious of who is present at the job site.

The other major difference that a Certified Renovator should be aware of is that reusable drop cloths (containment) can be used while working outside in Massachusetts. This contradicts the EPA's RRP Rule which requires that outdoor containment be disposed of at the end of the work day.

In case you forgot, a Certified Renovator in any state must be working for a Certified Firm. Unlike the EPA's RRP Rule, Massachusetts lead paint safety laws require that firms be certified with the State of Massachusetts. You can visit the website to find the Lead-Safe Renovation Contractor Licensing Waiver. Once approved, this application will allow your firm to legally work in the state.

If you are thinking about moving to Massachusetts, the state keeps a registry of all homes that have had lead paint removed or covered. This can be helpful if you are looking for a lead safe home to live in. The registry can be found online at the Massachusetts Registry of Lead Safe Homes. While all these regulations and laws regarding lead paint may seem like a nuisance, they are in place for the safety of both others and yourself.

If you are looking for more information on the subject, the Massachusetts DOS website has a list Certified Lead Safe Renovation Training Providers.

RRP Certification and Massachusetts' Lead Laws

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why We Need Capitalism to Help the Poor

The other day, I was talking to an acquaintance and he was explaining why socialism was much better than capitalism, because it didn't leave the poor and downtrodden to rot in the gutter. Of course, as a capitalist, in a free market participant, I know this to be utter hogwash, and I was blown away that he'd even bother to make such a silly statement. The reality is society does better when everyone is free to do what they do best, and when individuals are the strongest, the overall society is even stronger due to the synergies and economies of scale.

Capitalism does not leave people high and dry, in fact the money is in such abundance and flowing so quickly, that it spreads around, and there's more of it, and more opportunities for each and every individual. Of course if someone doesn't want to work, or participate they can sit on their rear ends and do nothing, but then they will get exactly what they deserve, I don't see a problem with that. But apparently my acquaintance did.

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And he asked me; "what about the people who are mentally or physically challenged, what about them we just gonna leave them?" Oh, certainly not, and I can tell you that the mentally challenged or physically challenged in the United States of America do much better here than they would in any other country. Think about it for a second, think about this silly argument that somehow socialism is better because they care about people that capitalism isn't - that's nonsense.

And in practice, socialism doesn't do good for the average population, it makes everyone the same, and usually they're all poor. It doesn't build the type of middle-class that we have here in the United States, and there's nothing wrong with a strong work ethic, or a solid middle class. And there's certainly nothing wrong in the United States when it comes to our nonprofit sector, and all the volunteers and people who give their extra spendable money to such causes.

And to his point of Mentally or Physically Challenges, the reality is with greater economies of scale and abundance there is more low-cost left-overs for all. A farm which is run by capitalist methods is efficient because it rewards efficiency, one run by communist methods doesn't - so, the efficiency stops, along with all the left overs, thus, the communist farm one runs up against shortages.

Did you know I bought a 10-Lb. bag of potatoes this week at the grocery store - and get this; I didn't have to wait in line to do it, in fact, there were so many bags of potatoes that everyone could have bought 5, they'd still have some left. Why? Thanks to the chaos of capitalism! Indeed, hope you'll please consider all this, and if you'd like to add anything to this discussion please shoot me an e-mail. Even if you have a critique, I'm certainly ready to debate these points.

Why We Need Capitalism to Help the Poor

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why You Needed the Banks Bailed Out

Bailout Politics

I understand the anger that exists for the financial institutions in this country. One group gets bailed out for horrific risk management and individuals are left to be foreclosed on. However, what occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations was critical to the country. As someone who works in financial services, I would describe it as America avoided becoming a Quaker state.

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Both major political parties have had a challenge explaining the bank bailouts to the American people. Considering they're politicians and not bankers I can understand that. The best way they've been able to handle describing it, is that the American economy would have been in much worse condition than it is now. For most people that's an abstract explanation of the events that occurred and what it's consequences were.

Lead Up to the Bailouts

During the lead up to the bailouts, I worked at one of the major banks (later laid off because of the crisis). I was there to see the fear people had when Washington Mutual went out of business. I was also there when people feared Wachovia would go out of business. The fear was gripping and I got to see the whites of people's eyes who had that fear. It scared me.

I was amazed to see Indymac Bank close its doors. Something I thought only happened in "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart. But here I was watching it happen with other people across the country.

I fielded questions and began to wonder about the true meaning of FDIC insurance and what it really meant to average Americans. Something I never gave much thought to before.

Why the Bailouts?

So you may ask, what do you think it really meant and why do you say we would have become a Quaker state? In the interest of simplicity, I'll list these questions and thoughts and ask that you consider its nationwide and global implications as it relates to the banks and the people and organizations they serve.

- What little cash that is left in circulation gets hoarded by those who have it
- No one can pay anybody
- No cash exists in ATMs
- Your favorite store has no money to buy more supplies
- No cash is available for the babysitter
- No paycheck or pension to cash
- Box stores can't process purchases by customers
- No place exists to get a mortgage
- No place exists to get a business loan
- No place exists to get a credit card
- No checking account to pay your bills
- What happens to the water supply and its maintenance?
- What happens to the power grid and its maintenance?
- What happens to communication networks and their maintenance?
- Instead of gold this country would have gone back to the barter system

Again, the argument has been why can't the government bailout individuals the same way they bailed out the banks. The cold hard truth, do these same things happen or worry you if I go bankrupt?

Why You Needed the Banks Bailed Out

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jail Records

Jail records are among the most important and the most sensitive data gathered by public institutions. The limits of access to court and jail records is one of the more battled issues concerning the freedom of information. For many people the ability to check if the strangely-acting neighbor is a known sex-offender, or if their new potential business partner has ever been sentenced for a financial fraud is an important mean of self-protection. On the other hand, there are hundreds of thousands people across the united States who at one time or another had problems with the law. Many of them after receiving the punishment started a new life. Revealing their past might cost them their jobs or families. A public and unlimited access to jail records would put them in constant danger even though they have already paid for their wrongdoings.

What most people miss however, is that the real problem with jail records lies elsewhere: in our practical ability to check them and then connect a record to a real person. What most people do not know is that there is no such thing as a truly nationwide jail record check. Even the FBI database does not cover the whole country or all kinds of crimes. The accessibility of many local databases is still limited and there are many counties that still do not offer a complete database of criminal records. To make situation even worse, we have to remember that jail records are only a small part of the problem. The fact that there are at three kinds of criminal records (arrest, criminal court, and corrections) only adds to the practical difficulty of the search. The fragmentation of the data makes checking jail records untrustworthy to say the least. We can easily confirm that someone is (or rather may be) a former criminal, but we can't really check if he or she is innocent or not.

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To make the situation even worse, jail records are just as prone to mistakes as anything else. While many jail records have a picture of an offender attached, there are still some who have only the person's name. What is more, human mistakes sometimes cause wrong names to be connected with the prison sentences. It does not happen very often, but since most companies offering access to jail records operate on databases with between 60 and 130 million entries each, even a 99.99% accuracy still leaves 6 to 13 thousand mistakes in a single database.

For all those practical reasons, any check of jail records gives us only partially complete data. While contacting a company providing jail record and criminal record checks is generally a good idea when we want to confirm our suspicions, the results may never be considered as final proofs. here is simple no way to see if someone is a good citizen or not. If you want to be sure, you need to perform a few other checks, including a social security number check in order to learn anything hard.

Jail Records

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Instant Access Savings Accounts With Cash Card - Features

Do you feel that access to your savings account is necessary for emergency situations? Also you want good returns for your savings? Here is the solution. Some of the banks in UK offer "Instant Access Savings Accounts". These banks offer good interest rates for the investors. It also gives cash card through which you would be able to access the account instantaneously. Is it quite interesting? Do read more, you can find more interesting details.

Some of the features that these accounts offer are discussed below.
The cash cards from these accounts offer unlimited and easy access to your savings account. You can withdraw your funds any time very easily. These accounts are more convenient to use. You can do transaction for the account in the bank branches. You can use the cash card to withdraw amounts. You can also make payments or do any other transactions through internet banking or phone banking. You get competitive interest rates for your savings made in the instant access account. The minimum deposit amount required to open the account varies for various banks. Some of the banks like Nationwide demand a minimum deposit amount of 100 Euros. Nationwide bank offers an AER of 0.10%. The maximum account of savings holders in Nationwide bank is 2 and the minimum age should be 11 years.Some of the banks that offer this account are:
Nationwide Bank ING Direct Lloyds TLBHow to apply for this account?
You can visit the nearest bank branch which offers the instant access savings account with cash card. You can apply online through banking websites.

Nationwide Society

Instant Access Savings Accounts With Cash Card - Features

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

State Run Capitalism - Can Two Play at That Game?

Chinese state-run capitalism seems to be giving Western free-market economies a run for their money, or is it? You see, the reason China's state run capitalism is working is because they have been up until now able to command labor to work for super low-wages, but in the future that won't be possible. Meanwhile, it appears that the Obama Administration wants to try state-run capitalism by nationalizing various industries.

Unfortunately, even though the Obama Administration has nearly nationalized health care, health insurance, banking, and the auto-sector - China has their own auto sector, which is moving towards free-market capitalism thanks to Warren Buffet [20% ownership in Greely Automotive]. Does the Obama Administration really believe that it can organize and allocate labor resources to run companies? It appears to me that the Obama Administration cannot even provide the jobs it promised.

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But this is typical of socialist movements, as governments think they can run businesses better than those who do for a profit. Sometimes I wonder how many times this lesson will have to be learned before leaders get it? Are we doomed to repeat, as nation after nation flirts with such theories of socialism and communism over capitalism?

The US need not give up her Super Power status so a gentleman whose never run a business in his life, or ever made a payroll can learn the lesson again, along with his like minded friends. State-run capitalism is doomed to fail. Why? Because it is inefficient, and it cannot succeed over the long-term, even if the citizens are forced into labor of the nation-state's desires.

For those who believe that the US has to stoop that low to compete with China, as to copy such a failed concept, then they obviously have no business being in business, and they certainly don't deserve my tax dollar to pretend to be in business. What's next?

Is the Obama Administration going to nationalize GE, Caterpillar, Bechtel, and Boeing, and to that end how can we trust Obama and Company now after the damage they've already done to free markets. Don't laugh, think of the corporate names that the government is now in business with?

Advice to all businesses; Don't hire anybody, don't expand your business, don't invest in capital expenditures don't take the risk, this Administration in my opinion is unpredictable. God only knows what they will come up with next, what law they might pass before the next election when they are thrown out of office on their ears. Personally, and this is my opinion, I've never trusted a single word uttered from any of those teleprompter speeches.

Personally, I cannot trust what I believe to be the liberal-socialist left. Many folks claim the Democrats are not socialists, and I'd say most Democrat voters aren't, what I don't understand is why they keep voting for socialist leaning politicians. I personally can't believe any human can be that naïve. Please consider all this.

State Run Capitalism - Can Two Play at That Game?

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Heaven?

I suppose it is safe to say that most people have had suicidal thoughts at some time in their life. In fact, if you live in the United States you are more likely to kill yourself than you are to be killed by someone else. There were 1.7 times as many suicides as homicides nationwide in 2000. Those statistics do not include the suicide attempts that did not result in death.

Experts say that suicide is usually the result of untreated clinical depression or mental illness. Stress on the job, social pressures, financial concerns, unresolved emotional issues, relationship woes, parenthood tension, midlife crisis, divorce, peer pressure, physical health problems, drug abuse and co-dependency are just some of the factors contributing to depression. A person may feel that their situation is overwhelming and that they have no power to change their lives. They may feel they have no purpose in life, or reason to live. With severe personal problems, suicide may seem like a reasonable solution to end or avoid emotional pain. It releases the soul from the body, but it also leaves confusion, guilt and grief for those left behind.

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Coping with the death of a loved one is saddening enough, but the grief associated with death by suicide is often compounded by shock, guilt and confusion. The stigma associated with suicide may cause people to fear that their loved one may be punished in the afterlife, Some Fundamentalists preach that suicide is an "unforgivable sin leading to damnation." Others believe that those who commit suicide will come back as a severely handicapped person in another lifetime. Some believe it is an act of cowardice or weakness but none of this is true.

It can be very difficult for a survivor to cope with their loss when suicide is shunned by society in this way. The loved ones that are left behind typically blame themselves, thinking that they were somehow responsible. Personally, I believe, when someone commits suicide, it's like dropping out of a class and having to start over next semester by repeating the life that was terminated. A woman I know reported that her son, who had committed suicide, came to her in a dream after she read my book. He was not being punished for ending his life; instead he was preparing to reincarnate in order to finish the mission he had aborted.

If we view suicide from the Abraham-Hicks perspective, we see that every death can be considered suicide because every death is self-imposed through the choices we make such as the foods we eat, the toxins we inhale, the risks we take, etc. We each choose, on some level, when we're ready to exit. We're all committing suicide every day, some just slower than others.

Suicide is never the best option for escaping emotionally painful or unpleasant situations because emotions continue in the Afterlife. While the soul does NOT have to endure hardship in order to learn its lessons, these experiences are sometimes created by the soul to help it evolve. However, we can learn to evolve in more positive and gentler ways.

I offer no judgment or condemnation to anyone contemplating suicide, or to those who have attempted or even accomplished such an act. However, if someone you love is talking about suicide, please take them seriously and encourage them to seek immediate professional help.

Warning Signs of Suicide:

· Talk about suicide or death

· Withdrawal from family and friends

· Sudden behavioral changes

· Wanting to "tie up loose ends" or give away belongings

· Reckless behavior

· Withdrawal from regular activities

· Sudden change in sleeping patterns or eating habits

If we "skip class" and depart prematurely by our own devises, we will still need to learn the intended lessons in another lifetime. Understanding that you have the power to create your life as you want it and taking steps toward making positive changes will allow you to enjoy life on earth and then go peacefully into the Afterlife once your mission here is complete.

Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Heaven?

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Current State of the Texas Economy

A recent Associated Press survey on the economy by economists didn't paint a pretty picture. Home values are stagnant, consumers are still cutting back and not enough jobs are being created. While all of this is true in Texas, too, the Lone Star state still seems to be weathering the economic "recovery" better than other states.

In fact, Austin was the featured city in a recent Time magazine cover story on jobs. At a time when other cities are still shedding jobs, Austin is actually creating new jobs. The article featured tech, construction and energy companies that are hiring in the Austin area. Innovation in these areas, particularly technology and energy, is what Time predicts will be the driving force behind future job creation across the country.

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As the government offers tax incentives for companies that are hiring, Time posits that plan puts effort and money in the wrong area. According to the article, the emphasis shouldn't be on the actual jobs that will be created, but rather on the ideas that will continue to create jobs well into the future. It's a worthy notion, just difficult to quantify when everyone wants hard numbers on the future of the country's economy.

Part of what Austin has done right is to foster small businesses and invite larger companies to work in the city, such as Facebook, Inc being offered incentives to open an office in Austin. The Small Business Development Program is a good example of an Austin initiative that helps entrepreneurs get businesses up and running with support services.

Texas has also benefited from not being part of the boom and bust experienced by states like Florida and Nevada. Texas certainly grew during the first part of the decade, but, for the most part, the growth was steady rather than meteoric. Home prices increased, but they didn't soar like the home values in California.

Unemployment nationwide is predicted to rise again before the end of 2010, but the unemployment rate in Texas is below the national average and has a good chance of holding steady. Even with people moving to Texas from other states, jobs continue to be available and new jobs are being created.

Foreclosures are still on the rise across the country, and home prices are not expected to increase anytime soon. Texas has certainly seen its fair share of foreclosures, but so far the housing market has remained mostly stable, although weaker than in the mid 2000s.

Technology and green jobs are predicted to be the best path to job and economic growth in the future and Texas seems to be headed down that road already. Start-ups in wind and solar energy can be found across the state and Austin is considered a mini Silicon Valley. As Texas continues to hone its economic recovery skills, hopefully the rest of the country will follow.

The Current State of the Texas Economy

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Monday, September 12, 2011

SC OSHA Cites Charleston Fire Department in nine dead

Charleston, SC (September 21, 2007) - South Carolina OSHA has no time for his report on June 18 sofa store fire in which nine Charleston firefighters lost their lives. The synthesis, which was released this morning quoted by the city of Charleston Fire Department with the intent and serious violations that led to the deaths of firefighters.

The notice of citation and fine there are four separate offenses, starting with "willful infringement". SCOSHA reports that the CFD "... knew or should have known that the command did not offer the entire system for security forces and their activities."

Nationwide Society

The report adds three serious violations include any operating procedure for fighting a fire in a wooden roof of the building, the armor was not required to be worn by nine firefighters dead, and that respiratory protection was not required be worn at all times of four firefighters who were exposedSmoke and toxic substances.

The fine levied against a total of less than $ 10,000, the CFD. But by the fire safety, the chief Billy Goldfeder, "The amount dollar fine is not really the point." He continues: "The fact that they (the stores) in violation and those violations have been found directly contributed to the line of duty deaths of nine firefighters CFD is the problem."

The quotations, in particular the deliberate violation of the firefighters have shakenWorld. In South Carolina, fire department response was quick. Michael Parrotta South Carolina Fire Firefighters Association says faith in Chief Rusty Thomas has lost, and demanded his immediate resignation.

Just a day after the fire, firefighters are exposed to many called to Thomas. But Mayor Joe Riley of Charleston has repeatedly stressed that as long as he remains the mayor Thomas is the fire chief of the city. But TV-journalist SarahDeMarco is a recent report: "Some say, if that's the case, then perhaps it is time for Riley to find a new job."

"The new report is a clarion call for change." Charleston Firefighters Association Local 61 says President Roger Yow.

"It's not just the fire department, the Charleston Fire Department has the right to perform an unsafe manner," says Yow. "Now state officials also condemned Chief Thomas failed leadership."

Mayor Riley says the city vigorously challengeOSHA citations for violations of safety SC issued. He feels that the agency was "unfairly punished the city ....

The sofa store fire that killed nine Charleston is the worst on-the-job loss for the fire service in North America after the events of 9/11/01, and the story is followed by a fire, rescue agencies around the world.

SC OSHA report is a wake-up call to the fire department and has national implications. Send a message to the mayor, the provincial executiveand choose according to members of the Board of the fire, at the national level, and their leader skills - not popularity.

During the last generation of firefighters here in America needs change more than it did during the first 300 years. In my mind it was only a matter of time before an accident like fire in Charleston sofa instead. Most likely could have affected some other American city, because the agency is not CFD fire only one that works inPast.

Election Chief Rusty Thomas' procedures for fire control, which is universally accepted to ignore a clear contempt for men and women who serve under him. It 'time for Thomas to step down and let the Charleston firefighters to be rebuilt. And 'the best scenario for the citizens of one of the most beautiful cities in America - one that will allow Charleston firefighters to demonstrate their true abilities and potential.


The funds for thisComment:

(1) SC OSHA report

(2) News 4 Charleston

(3) The secret list

(4) Photos: Tyronne Walker (with their permission)

SC OSHA Cites Charleston Fire Department in nine dead

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Domestic violence against women - A national epidemic

Domestic violence is an epidemic in the United States. Victims of domestic violence and perpetrators of domestic violence can be anyone. Domestic violence, not only that there were two people, the whole family. The people involved may be of any race. In contrast to our stereotypes, domestic violence happens to the rich, educated and even soccer moms. "The violence is caused primarily by men, most men have been socialized in a male identity." (Wood, 2009). "In the United KingdomStates, every 08/12 seconds a woman is beaten by a man, four women are reported every day, beaten to death, and women are 600 percent more likely by an intimate partner than men are brutalized "(Wood, 2009) .. Statistically speaking, knows nothing of domestic violence learned socio-economic, educational, racial or religious boundaries, and domestic violence may be ignorant;. it is important that the forms of abuse, why women stay, programs and able to recognize the changesmade to the statistics growing for future generations to reduce, because unlike child abuse, elder abuse and domestic violence are not required by law to report domestic violence Illinois.How experienced? "The majority of domestic violence through training and strengthening, not biology or genetics." (, Farmer 2007).

This behavior is by observing others who have abused someone in their presence or that they themselves have learned abused. "Studies have found that almost half ofViolent men have grown up in homes where their father or stepfather was violent. "(Bauer, 2007). A boy can learn to be aggressive as a child. For example, playing in the competition in sports, kids who play soccer suffer harsh, physical pain and injuries and to face their opponents. (Woods, 2009). also shows the emotion is frowned upon. This is for violent behavior against women, children, animals may be tied, because they become more mature. After Turning Point, Inc. "The violence by men againstWomen in intimate relationships is a social problem tolerated and supported by the customs and traditions of each society. Pornographic videos, magazines and Web sites to learn how to respect women unworthy motives and value only as sexual objects for men to teach. Most video games and computers have become an important training resource for children and adolescents. Many messages of gender roles as men are men, and aggressive control with the value of womenlimited their sexual attractiveness. Children often learn they are not accountable for their actions. Aggression in children is increasingly treated as a medical problem. The boys are diagnosed and treated with drugs instead of identifying that they may have been traumatized and exposed to violence and abuse at home.

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Domestic violence is repeated because it works, because it often has no legal consequences. The fact that domestic violence is learned that the meansMisconduct can be changed. Most people can not learn to batter, if there is sufficient reason to change this behavior. "(Bauer, 2007, page 2). In our society there are many forms of violent behavior, which is also" are physical, verbal, emotional, sexual and visual brutality inflicted exclusively or disproportionately members of the same sex. "(Wood, 2009, page 285). The first form of physical abuse.'s Men physically abuse women, hitting, biting, stables,Slide or sexual violence. The female victim is weaker than that of society and deserves the abuse, while males are considered guilty of being strong, aggressive and control displays. The second form of verbal abuse. This type of injury can be performed by a man of intimidating their partners. Ignore include lowering verbally intimidating, degrading, disrespectful, "he told us what to do," or the words "You're fat, ugly or stupid." Or it can be used with other wordsbe: "No one ever want you to be" "and you will never amount to anything."

The third form of emotional abuse of persons. This can include the male partner makes comments poisonous, that the female to feel guilty, injured or traumatized and very scared to take all necessary steps to get out of the situation. For example, the use of sound and body language to indicate the female is stupid, ignorant, incompetent or worse. A statement that is often used is: "But who do you thinkbe? "According to Julia T. Wood on page 289 of Gendered Lives" is used, at least 28 percent and perhaps as many as fifty percent of women of domestic violence, physical, mental, emotional, linguistic and economic power, will suffer a partner against the other partner in a romantic relationship. "(Wood, 2009, page 289).

Why do women have to stay in a relationship if the abuse has occurred? The reasons are so numerous, because women are free to indulge in their relationsbe abused. For example, the lack of income and education. The men have not allowed full control of the working spouse or have the money. Women are isolated and do not have external relations, including the family. The abusive spouse calls to ask where is her husband and to account for their fate at any time of day. Most women feel to stay in the relationship feel like there's no way out trapped. Women stay because they are afraid of the consequencesand do not know where they are going to feel safe. They feel like without a new identity, which can be found. This is especially true when children are involved.

Women feel guilty for removing the child from his father. Finally, women will justify the abuse, saying, "I deserve", "if I not only made him mad", or "if only what he asked me, should be done:" I could not have been defeated. Many women feel that they are obliged to remain because of their religion "submissive" to theirSpouse. Some women are the environment, a people pleaser to increase primarily for their parents. Are not you better get married and be subject to know your spouse. In Chapter Twelve Gendered lives on page 284, "four million American women experience a serious assault by a partner during an average period of twelve months and at least three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day." (Woods, 2007, page 284). Western society recognizes domestic violencewith at least four levels of violence. In Gendered Lives by Julia T. Woods on page 293, it is the cycle of violence in the partnership and its four phases. They are identified as a train explosion, remorse, and the honeymoon phase. The two phases remain to help the victims, because of the guilt phase and honeymoon. During the authors' remorse will say anything to make the report as "sorry" and I never promise to "Do It Again" or desperately say: "I"Help, and never follow through. During the honeymoon of the authors feel guilty about their actions and usually the victim to purchase a gift for his behavior.

The alarming number of gender-based violence is an epidemic at the national level, which is borne by society must be stronger. Today, domestic violence against women is still increasing with the concerns of the health problems of women. Thirty years ago battered women had no options as a place to go or placesthat would provide help and support. Today there are more places like shelters, churches and agencies will go to help victims of domestic violence. These shelters not only provide a place to stay, but to help stop orders, money, lawyers and new life. The company needs to address abuse by men and educate the public, especially the next generation, more to prevent attacks violent. The solutions sound rather simple, but we as a nation must reassesshow we handle so that the criminals in our society, and how to define them, and prevent.

We must learn to be effective parents, spouses and teachers, without resorting to violent behavior in disputes with our loved ones and those who are communicating. To be able to reduce the statistics of gender violence, it is important that the characteristics of stages and types of abuse to identify. Only by presenting our views, we can make a difference, or stop the abusePerson of the family or relationship, or if someone you know has been abused. Each community is by volunteering in their town or through awareness, helping to open violence.

All women are subject, a victim of domestic violence, unless the society as a whole decides to talk about it. Statistics can be changed in today's actual increase in domestic violence? Yes, we can speak of laws to help, because if the laws and penalties againstManagers are increasingly stringent, can prevent further domestic violence as a whole. In contemporary culture, domestic violence against women is not only subject to any economic class, it is up to each person and how society changes, the current statistics is to do fewer.


Farmer, J. (2007). McHenry County Turning Point, Inc., accessed 29 May 2008, the causes of family violence.

Hertz, SK (2006, September / October). Trapped. Accessed May 15, 2008EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)

Christian Science Monitor. (1/31/2007, Vol 99 Issue 45, p18-18, 2/5p). What can we do to domestic violence. Accessed May 15, 2008 from EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)

Pioneer Development Resources, Inc. (1994-2008). Rural women's advocacy programs. Accessed 27 May 2008

Wood, JT (2009, 2007). Screw Gender: Communication, Gender, and Culture, Eighth Edition. North Carolina: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Domestic violence against women - A national epidemic

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